We believe that every pet deserves a shot at a quality life and a loving family. That’s why we launched VSCares. Every quarter, we sponsor a different rescue or shelter pet by donating financial support up to $400. All sponsored/featured pets will appear on our Facebook page, www.fb.com/animalsurgeons. Our financial support will go toward medical costs incurred and/or will cover the cost of that pet’s adoption fee.
Quarter 3: Louie from Hampshire County Pet Adoption Program
Meet Louie, our sweet and scruffy #VSCares sponsored pet for Quarter 3 of 2017. As part of our support for the local animal rescue community, VSC has sponsored some of Louie’s medical care fees so he can receive the necessary treatment.
Despite a rough early life, Louie was a sweetheart from the start. He was an owner surrender and was brought in with several other dogs. They had been living in an outdoor pen and had never received any veterinary care. They also weren’t always fed appropriately. The first couple of days after being surrendered, they were passing large amounts of corn in their stool.
After extensive testing, it was determined that Louie has severe sclerosis of the liver. Sadly, while he is somewhat stable, his values have not improved much. Thankfully, he is comfortable and safe living with a long-term foster and on long-term medications. Wishing this little guy many more happy days of playing, treats, and belly rubs!
Thanks to our friends at Hampshire County Pet Adoption Program for helping Louie out, and for all the important animal rescue work they do in the Winchester area. Learn more about them here.
Please note: Given his medical condition, Louie is not currently available for adoption.
Thank you to the many wonderful animal rescues and shelters and animal welfare organizations in the Northern Virginia-Washington, DC region for all the work you do!
Stay tuned: Our next VSCares Sponsored Pet will be announced in December! Have a homeless/in-need pet to suggest? Email marketing@vscvets.com.