Veterinary Blog
Check out the latest educational articles and tips from the Veterinary Surgical Centers team!
VSC Vienna Phones Currently Down
PLEASE NOTE: We are currently experiencing extended phone outages at our VSC Vienna location. (This includes the phones at Hope Advanced Veterinary Center). If you are unable to reach us by phone, please email or call VSC Leesburg at 703-771-2100. You also can submit a...
VSC Winchester Presents: A Day of Veterinary Learning – Nov. 5th, 2017
VSC Winchester presents a Day of Veterinary Learning, held Sunday, November 5th from 9am to 12:30pm, at The Salon at James Charles Winery on Middle Road in Winchester, VA. Open to all veterinarians, this FREE CE event offers up to three credit hours: Hear from VSC Winchester Chief of Surgery Dr....
VSCR’s 4th Annual Halloween Costume Contest
It's our favorite time of the year: VSCR's 4th Annual Halloween Costume Contest! All month long in October, VSCR is hosting its annual Halloween Costume Contest for all current and former VSC/VSCR patients and the general public. All dogs and cats are welcome to enter; we do ask that non-patients...
VSC Surgical Resident Sam Gilbert Speaks at ACVS 2017
We're super proud of VSC Surgical Resident Dr. Sam Gilbert, who is giving a presentation on his recent canine research project at the 2017 ACVS Surgery Summit in Indianapolis! If you're at the Summit, be sure to catch his talk, "Breed Effect of CCL-Deficient Stifle Joint OA," today, Friday,...